Serum x Moisturizer
Serums and moisturizers are relatively common skincare products. What exactly is the difference between them, however? Besides for the difference in the texture and feel of these products, as you’ll find that serums are generally lighter and thinner, It’s important to know that serums and moisturizers help the skin in unique, distinctive ways.

Stop Diaper Rash in its Tracks
Diaper Rash, a relatively common form of dermatitis, can be quite an uncomfortable experience for the baby going through it. Most parents would do everything in their power to sidestep this recurring inflammation if they only knew how.

The Skin Cycle - How Hormones Effect the Skin
Your skin, the largest and one of the most important organs in your body, is subject to changes and reactions stemming from various sources, such as puberty or hormonal cycles, especially on and around the face. Most of us know that the skin changes due to a variety of factors, such as the weather, age, and even different environments.

What They Didn't Tell You About Artificial Tanning
Many of us still haven’t heard of the harmful effects of self-tanners. Whether it be tanning beds or self tanner products, the lotions, sprays, and gels that are applied on the skin, it’s important to know how these can effect your skin, both in the short and long term. After looking for some answers, we found that self tanning is rarely, if ever, a healthy tanning option.

Put an End to Animal Cruelty
There are many animals suffering today without reason due to a number of companies that are torturing and killing about 200,000 animals every year in order to test out their body care products, such as soaps, shampoos, and other beauty and cosmetics products. These animals, ranging from rats and mice to rabbits and guinea pigs, have things jammed down their throats, poured into their eyes, and smeared on their skin until they’re unnecessarily killed.

Using Oil to Fight Oil
We know, it sounds totally counter-productive to help treat oily skin by applying even more oil. However, applying certain oils to your skin, in the right amounts, can truly be the salvation you’ve been looking for when it comes to having chronically oily skin. These oils, which help in the fight against acne and inflammation, are made up of natural, soothing combinations of vitamins, amino acids, and anti-oxidants.