Synergy of Ingredients
Mixing various skincare ingredients for the most optimal effect on the skin can be considered an art. There are certain combinations of skincare ingredients that simply work better together than they do apart. At the same time there are certain combinations you will want to avoid using together at all costs.

Shea Butter, Nature's Blessing
Shea Butter, unlike other skincare ingredients that come and go with the wind, is an ancient beauty and body care ingredient that continues to be one of the most important elements for moisturizing the skin and aiding its healing process.

What They Didn't Tell You About Artificial Tanning
Many of us still haven’t heard of the harmful effects of self-tanners. Whether it be tanning beds or self tanner products, the lotions, sprays, and gels that are applied on the skin, it’s important to know how these can effect your skin, both in the short and long term. After looking for some answers, we found that self tanning is rarely, if ever, a healthy tanning option.

Using Oil to Fight Oil
We know, it sounds totally counter-productive to help treat oily skin by applying even more oil. However, applying certain oils to your skin, in the right amounts, can truly be the salvation you’ve been looking for when it comes to having chronically oily skin. These oils, which help in the fight against acne and inflammation, are made up of natural, soothing combinations of vitamins, amino acids, and anti-oxidants.